Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What a way to go

Just read this rather odd piece on the Independent website and couldn't resist posting it here. OK, so I already knew there was shedloads of dog poop in France, but now it's official.

From the Independent, April 19, 2006

You are most likely to die in a heatwave in France, especially if you are elderly. You are also most likely to do yourself an injury slipping in dog faeces. Indeed, Paris is the poop-slip capital of the world. Every year, 650 people are admitted to Parisian accident and emergency units after sticky falls. No statistics are available for the number of elderly people killed while slipping in dog mess in Paris during a heatwave.


At 12:08 AM, Blogger Madame B said...

I hear that young, over heated people are at great risk of tripping over the old people who have slipped over on the dog-poo. Perhaps we should all just stay lying down, just to be on the safe side...


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