FAFfing around
When I started this blog, I had lots of good intentions, and a little tiny bit of time on my hands. I now have slightly less time, so the posting has become random - nothing for days, then two in the space of an hour. Ah well.
Liberation ran a great article on April 7, 2006 about thirty-something French housewives (otherwise known as Femmes Aux Foyer, or FAF for short) who write blogs as a way of relieving boredom while boosting their self-esteem. The blogs (and bloggeuses) mentioned are all of a particular kind: full of recipes for delicious gouter treats, handy hints and (gulp) knitting and dress-making patterns for children's wear. And as Libe puts it, "leurs enfants s'appellent plutot Emile, Zoe ou Arthur que Cynthia, Kevin ou Mohamed." Well, it makes me and my banging on about dog poo look positively uninspired. Check 'em out: