Sunday, May 21, 2006

Whining to win wine

Yes, I know. I haven't blogged for several weeks, and now I come back to bore on about... crap. Dog crap. Not just that, though. There are lots of other things I want to bang on about. Like smoking childminders, the fallacy that the Cirque de Navacelles is actually worth visiting (thanks to Helen of for making those points), and the fact that the Lac de Cres is a scrubby, scabby piss-poor excuse for a park.

Sorry if I sound negative, but sometimes these things have to be said. Every thing in the garden simply cannot be rosy, without exception, all the time. It does us all good to sound off from time to time. And now our whining can win wine (apparently). Check out the poll at and get voting. You're allowed to sing the praises of life in France, too!


At 10:28 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Actually the Cirque de Navacelles is worth a visit for the Foux de la Vis, the source of the Vis which appears out of a mysterious gorge. There's a great walk to be found in the book '52 Intineraires autour de Montpellier', page 58. Did it years ago. It was a really good walk.


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